Thorsten Boehm was born 1974 in Hamburg, Germany. According to his own statement, he lives “born in the zodiac sign of the fish – since the beginning rather in the dimensions of dreams, Intuition and ‘Anti-Reality’ “. In his early childhood, drawing and painting were his favorite pastimes. Traveling in silence fantasy worlds and fictional places of longing and expressing them visually on paper led to one deep happiness. Later, the profession of the artist – his heart’s desire – reinforced to take. After successfully completing his studies as a communication designer at the
BILDKUNST AKADEMIE HAMBURG in 2000, today he works as a freelance visual artist in his art studio in Hamburg. He favors classic painting and graphics and their divers mixed techniques and forms of expression, especially the work with the airbrush. His main artistic work deals with people with all their facets of the question of existence, the mystery of being human. The “human consciousness” and the collective unconscious play the central role here. He also like to be allowed to do so inspire by myths and fairy tales or ideological or pseudo-religious ideas of the different cultures and epochs of human history. The strongest driving force for his work are the blatant discrepancy between his dream image of a world worth striving for harmony, beauty and innocence and
often found reality in the form of violence, alienation and abuse. Boehm’s works have been shown in numerous, well regarded art exhibitions and international events in recent years presented to a broad public. These often polarizing and provocative works and exhibitions have also been in the past few years several art prizes have already been awarded for their quality and issue.